Wednesday, July 11, 2018

New India Conclave: Recognizing and celebrating rural change makers

The heart of India lies in the villages and the youth of rural India is its pulse. Many great ideas, initiatives, and aspirations are born here, and survive against the toughest of odds. In spite of this, rural India and especially its youth are not recognized. As someone belonging to and having lived in a village, I understood and wished to change this scenario. Thus, the idea of New India Conclave through the Y4D Foundation was born.

The Y4D Foundation is a platform for the country’s youth to express and develop in various walks of life. The New India Conclave is an initiative that further lends an opportunity, especially to the rural youth, for their voice to be heard. While their city counterparts get relatively easier access and exposure vis-à-vis their work, the rural youth are often far removed from it.


Their great innovations are shaping the future of the country, but are rarely in the spotlight, and are not widely known or appreciated. It is an untapped potential, one which is the true strength of India and yet not in the collective eye. Through New India Conclave, youth achievers from the villages are invited to come forth and present their thoughts, ideas and innovations to the country and the world. Their due recognition is also a prime objective of the New India Conclave.

These achievers are ordinary people who are making a difference in their own extraordinary way.

The recognition is thus a token of appreciation and a form of encouragement for them to carry their work forward with gusto. With this thought in mid, we have designed our nomination categories in the following way:


Nominees under these categories will be honoured as achievers in their chosen path, and will be celebrated as inspirations for others.


What makes the New India Conclave even more special is the participation of thought leaders from various fields of excellence. This covers an entire spectrum of people, from social workers to bureaucrats, right up to the Chief Ministers of various states and the honourable Prime Minister of India.

We met all these dignitaries and presented our ideas. These were met with enthusiasm and a belief that this initiative will yield positive and inspirational results. Their presence at the conclave is a value addition of guidance and insight that fuels the raw passion of the innovators. Every expert invited is a beacon of light being shed in that domain, lighting up a new path of progress for trailblazers to explore. Keeping this in mind, we have arranged the panel discussion with the topics of Rural Development and Youth Participation, Skilling and Opportunities of Business in Rural Areas, and Aspirations of the Rural Youth and the Government Roadmap. The brand ambassador of this conclave is an actor with recent socially relevant films to his name, Mr. Akshay Kumar. The campaign, inaugurated at his hands on 1st of May, 2018 will conclude on July 16, 2018 with the Conclave at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.


With this background, I would like to urge you to nominate a rural achiever whose work has inspired you. The nomination process is user friendly and can be found on our website, which is available in 12 Indian languages. Similarly, if you wish to make a difference, you can also volunteer with us for this fulfilling cause. The steps to register yourself as a volunteer can also be found on the website.


Through our representatives and your participation, we can ensure that our heroes from rural India get their rightful place under the sun. Join us and strengthen our efforts for them to find their platform. The time has come for the villages of India to assert the importance of their achievements in all aspects of life. It is time to say ‘Ab Bari Hamari’!


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